Hello & welcome to my new blog!

For so long I have hated the design of my old blog, Meghann's Little Corner, but I didn't have the time to change it. I even purchased an online course on building a blog with HTML code, hoping that one day I would find the time to create a new site. Then, I found Squarespace, which opened my eyes to an easier way of getting the job accomplished! I highly recommend Squarespace to anyone who is in the same boat. I started the process literally 5 days ago with minimal effort. 

You may wonder how I came up with the title, "Brioche and Blessings."  Brioche is a bit of a personal joke between my husband and I, but in this case, the word 'brioche' literally translates to, 'all of the real life stuff,' and blessings are, well, just that. 

So, what can you expect to see here? If you were a reader before, you know that this is a scrapbooking and paper crafting blog. This won't change, however, I'd like to post more about our family life and photos, since I know that some people who visit my blog are not interested in scrapbooking. I also want to get back into posting food on a regular basis as well, as food is my second passion in life. Plus, it's much easier to photograph than a very quick toddler.

I'm hoping that this new, exciting (well, it is for me anyway!) design will give me motivation to be here more frequently. Please, please leave comments whenever you have a minute. And if you're just a lurker (Yes, you. I know you're out there.), feel free to lurk away.