Day in the Life: Photos & Words

When Ali Edwards announced that she was documenting a 'Day in the Life' on May 12th, I was excited. I had attempted a 'Week in the Life' several times before, only to give up on day 3 or 4. One day of intense photo documentation is plenty for me, and I love that it gives a glance into our daily, boring lives right now. Today I want to share with you the photos and words from that day.

7:00 AM | (My clock is 20 minutes fast) I wake when I hear Lizzy stirring on the monitor. I see her slip out of bed and head towards mine. She has only been sleeping in a toddler bed for three days, and this is the first night that she has slept through in her own bed. Hooray for a good night's sleep.

7: 15 AM | I get Lizzy a cup of milk and she asks to watch Peppa Pig on my iPad. (This is totally one of those photos that I wish I had captured on my DSLR instead of my iPhone.) I check up on Instagram and my email on my iPhone while in bed next to her. I decide to get a shower before breakfast today, as it makes me feel like I'm totally conquering the morning.

8:00 AM | I hold off on blow drying my hair, since Lizzy is asking for 'egg bread'- her most requested breakfast. I get to the kitchen and start making her request while she watches PBS Kids on the iPad at the table.

Egg & bread, really an Ezekiel English muffin. I keep half of mine to spread on some homemade vanilla bean tangerine marmalade to have with my coffee.

8:30 AM | Breakfast is always a time for listing- I have to have a list of goals for the day to feel like I've accomplished anything. These to-do list printables are from Ann Marie Espinoza. (I print a big stack and bind them with some Glossy Accents.)

9:45 AM | After getting Lizzy ready, blow drying my hair & getting one more cup of coffee, we are in the car and headed toward 'toddler time' at our local library branch.

10:00 AM | I (very cleverly) remembered to let Lizzy wear her wellies to the library today, and luckily, there were some puddles in the parking lot that made good use out of them.

10:30 AM | Toddler time is hard work. Because of her inability to be around other children during cold and flu season, her social skills are still lacking and she's still learning how to do things like sing and dance. Her attention span is also extremely short- more so than most 2 year olds, a side effect of prematurity. Some days I really don't want to take her to this, but I know that it is important for her to grow socially, so we continue to go once a week in the summer.

11:00 AM | After we check out our new books, we head to Costco for some salmon & beans. We end up spending over $100. Typical, and the reason why I hate going to Costco. Simon usually stops on his way home.

12:00 PM | Girly is super hungry. I make us a wrap of homemade guacamole, grilled chicken and veggies and serve it with Pirates Booty cheese puffs. She eats the entire wrap. High five for me.

1:00 PM | Taking Toby and dinosaur for a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood.

1:30 PM | Once Lizzy is down for her nap, I start working on packing up a set of onesies for my cousin, who just had a baby that morning! I also had to make a card, so I pulled out some old Studio Calico kits to help me out. I love making pretty things for other people.

4:00 PM | When Lizzy wakes from her nap, we head to the post office to drop off the gift for my cousin. Lizzy's bestie, Jack, lives just around the corner from the post office so we drop in to see him. Jack's grandmother shows Lizzy photos of a gecko that she took on her phone.

5:00 PM | We get home just as Simon arrives home from work. I get into the kitchen to sort dinner out and Simon distracts a hungry Lizzy with building blocks, one of her favorites.


6:00 PM | Dinner consists of honey-mustard glazed salmon, Trader Joe's multigrain rice pilaf with vegetables (love that I had a bag of this in the freezer, as I was going to make my own rice pilaf!) and sautéed lemon green beans with almonds. Lizzy ate almost all of her salmon and some of her rice

7:00 PM | Simon takes Lizzy and Toby for a walk, with teddy, piggy and dinosaur, of course. I stay home and tidy the kitchen. The kitchen has to be completely clean before I can wind down for the evening. 

7:30 PM | Simon does bath time with Lizzy.

8:00 PM | Lizzy is quite tired tonight, so after only one story, she is down.

10:00 PM | After tidying my office and just doing a general pick-up around the house, I sit down to start on medical paperwork for Lizzy, which I realize will take me hours. Feeling a bit defeated, I decide to call it a night and head to bed. 

After looking back through my photos, I see that the next time I do this project, I really want to grab my DSLR instead of my iPhone, especially in low-light situations. I also want to get more photos from Simon's day at the office. I noticed that my photo taking lagged towards the end of the day and I missed the bedtime routine photos, like brushing teeth and reading stories. 

Thanks for stopping by! Have you done this photography project before, and if so, were you successful in documenting your entire day?